Subcontractor Autofill
Table of Contents
This flow is an automated process that runs after an HTTP POST request is recieved. This flow is primarily called when the subcontractor opens the link to the subcontractor form. The URL parameters contractNum
and subName
are required to be submitted to this API. Using that information, the correct folder/file pair is sourced from the submissions
folder, and all the data within that is sent back via the response.
The file contains all the form data with previously submitted data. It is also used to extract known good information from JSON files with the contract number.
Given the following information, the file with ** is the selected file.
contractNum: A-12345
subName: Kangaroo
+-- ..
|-- (root)
|-- submission
| |-- R-33333 (ContractNum)
| | |-- JSON
| | | |-- R-33333.json
| | | |-- Subcontractor1.json
| | | |-- Subcontractor2.json
| |-- A-12345 (ContractNum)
| | |-- JSON
| | | |-- R-33333.json
| | | |-- **Kangaroo.json**
| | | |-- Subcontractor1.json
Flow Diagram
Connections, Triggers, and Actions Used
Trigger: When HTTP Request is recieved
Connector | Action |
Variable | Initialize Variable |
Data Operation | Parse JSON |
SharePoint | Get File Content Using PATH |
HTTPS call | When a HTTP request is recieved Response |