Initialization Form Has Been Submitted
Table of Contents
This flow is an automated process that runs after an HTTP POST request is recieved. When the subcontractor inititalization form is submitted, it contacts this API to submit the data. It process the data recieved and creates the folder structure inside the submissions
folder. This flow also sends an email to everyone in the email list
This flow mail fail due to a undelivered HTTP response. This doesn’t matter - as long as the emails and such are sent.
After being triggered, it runs the following:
- Read data from the Form
- Create a folder in the submissions directory using the file structure listed below
- Creates a file in a subfolder called JSON in that directory with the same contract number as its filename.
- Loops through all the subcontractors listed and sends them an email indicating to complete the forms.
File Structure
+-- ..
|-- (root)
|-- submission
| |-- ContractNum (R-33333)
| | |-- JSON
| | | |-- ContractNum.json (R-33333)
Connections, Triggers, and Actions Used
Trigger: When HTTP Request is recieved
Connector | Action |
Variable | Initialize Variable |
Data Operation | Parse JSON Compose |
SharePoint | Create new Folder Create File |
Control | Apply to each Condition |
HTTPS call | When a HTTP request is recieved Response |
Outlook | Send an Email (V2) |